Watercolor Painting For Beginners Mountain Landscape | Step by Step

Watch Watercolor Painting For Beginners Mountain Landscape | Step by Step video. With regilar practice of watercolor painting using Watercolor Painting items given below you create awesome paintings.

Watercolor Painting Kits and Supplies you may need:

  1. Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Paint Set
  2. Watercolor Palette With Bonus Paper
  3. Canvas Boards For Painting
  4. Watercolor Paint Set
  5. Watercolor Paper Cold Press With Over 200 Gsm
  6. Porcelain Watercolor Palette For Artists
  7. Plastic Paint Tray Palettes For Student’S School Project Or Art Classes
  8. Watercolor Paint Set Students And Beginners

Details of Watercolor Painting For Beginners Mountain Landscape | Step by Step

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I highly recommend you guys to give this learning platform a shot, it is free and you get to explore lots of creative classes on watercolors, I am designing my own class on Skillshare and it will be uploaded very soon there!

I tried my best to explain what I am doing in this watercolor mountain landscape, I kept the speed slow but if you want it slower then you can set the speed by clicking the gear on the bottom right.
This painting looks a little complex because I have a bunch of details all together. But I can assure you if you do it step by step you’ll be able to have a great painting at the end. If you try this painting, please tag me, I reaaaally would love to see! Tag #lookaishah and I’ll post it on my story!

A little message for you guys! :

I also want to tell you guys, that it’s okay if you don’t get it right in the first shot, any painting you make. It happens, try again after realizing where you went wrong and see how you can fix it. If you don’t know how to fix it, you can ask me and I’d love to help you! You can comment it here or DM me your question on instagram (@aishaaaaah).

Many times, before I post a video or a painting, I fail at an idea like 2-3 times even. Sometimes it just doesn’t click. The solution to times like that is to take a little break from painting instead of hunting for ideas and ideas.

Something else you can do is change the colors you’re painting with, for example if you’re making sunset, you can try different sky color combos, such as yellow and pink, or purple and pink only etc. You can even do a monochrome painting using just one color.

Lastly, you can pick one specific technique and play around with that. Like using splatters, having a very wet on wet painting, limiting the shapes of brushes you use.
There are many techniques to try to just have fun and relax yourself when you art isn’t getting anywhere. These are just a few.
Most of all, art should make you relaxed, not be stressed, confused and not know what to paint.

I hope you guys like this video and it is helpful to you. If you have any artsy thing you seem to struggle with, comment below and I will try my best to help or maybe someone else may know a better answer! Share below if you’d like guys! Let me also know what you guys want to see more on my channel, because I love making art videos for you all!

Materials Used:

Fabriano 300lb Cold Pressed watercolor paper
Red watercolor brushes are from Polar flo, I got a whole set. You can find it from JerrysArtarama.com.
The watercolor set I used is from Lukas Aquarell 1862. It’s amazing and extremely vibrant. What I like about the set is that it has a bunch of vibrant and earthy tones as well! Highly recommend it.

This video is sponsored by Skillshare.

#Watercolor #Painting #Beginners #Mountain #Landscape #Step #Step


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