Painting A Starry Night Sky and Moonlit Clouds with Acrylics in 10 Minutes!

Watch this Acrylic Painting Video for Painting A Starry Night Sky and Moonlit Clouds with Acrylics in 10 Minutes!

Acrylic Painting Kits and Supplies you may need:

  1. Metallic Acrylic Painting Set For Artistic Finish
  2. Acrylic Paint Set For Beginners
  3. Acrylic Paint Set In Tube Form
  4. Canvas Boards For Painting
  5. Acrylic Paint Brushes With Nylon Hair
  6. Acrylic Paint Set For Artists
  7. Oil Painting Paint Knife Palette Scraper Shovel With Wooden Handle
  8. Plastic Paint Tray Palettes For Student’S School Project Or Art Classes

Details of Painting A Starry Night Sky and Moonlit Clouds with Acrylics in 10 Minutes!

Today we paint a starry night sky with a shooting star illuminating a landscape full of moonlit clouds in 10 minutes! This is a real time acrylic landscape painting tutorial for beginners.
Hour long lessons & Patreon:
You can find my book on the essentials of acrylic painting here:
Primary Blue (By: Liquitex BASICS)
Primary Yellow (By: Liquitex BASICS)
Mars Black (By: Liquitex BASICS)
Titanium White (By: Liquitex BASICS)
Large square headed brush (Artists Loft)
Medium square headed brush (Artists Loft)
Small square headed brush (Artists Loft)
Medium round headed brush (Artists Loft)
Small round headed brush (Artists Loft)
Canvas board: 6×8


18 thoughts on “Painting A Starry Night Sky and Moonlit Clouds with Acrylics in 10 Minutes!”

  1. Ryan,I bought your book and finding it very helpful for beginning painters. I enjoy seeing what you are going to paint on your videos. Really like your African starry Night Sky. Beautiful.

  2. Now if I didn't want to make like a shooting stars and I wanted to make a bunch of stars with the toothbrush like in a galaxy, would it be easier or better looking or more realistic if I did the stars before the clouds and the add them k very? Or do I make the clouds put the stars to have some of the stars over the clouds?

  3. I love your paintings. u are soo damn talented I am so impressed. I will be happy to support you in your work by donations as u are a real artist, not a narcissistic fraud like most pretentious artist on YouTube.
    please can u do a more oceans pictures with waves and perhaps surfers on it..

  4. love it Ryan! Love your clouds and highlights. Would love to see a burning asteroid headed for earth sometime. I need to learn fire and all the swirls involved with that. Thanks for sharing your skills.

  5. Hi Ryan I had an idea for a video for you. I know you are a tutorial channel but I thought this would be fun for some viewers. I have noticed that some youtubers do things like full face with products I hate. I was wondering if you could do a full painting with products I hate. Like if you agree

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