The Art of Drawing


Drawing is an extreme art that can convey to the viewer a clear idea about the scene and subject (scene is the situation in the drawing and subject is the main part or action of drawing). Drawing requires more flexibility of finger joints and also the palm. An artist with tremendous ideas can have a good creative drawings in his account.

In the simplest form, drawing is seeing and replicating this as accurately as possible on some medium. This works because the eye works as a pin-hole camera, capturing the view in the retina plane at the back of the eye. The task of the brain is to find out the world and objects in the three-dimensional world from the two-dimensional retinal image. If you want to draw the view, you just have to draw what you see, while ignoring what the brain tells and knows about the three-dimensional world, because that knowledge will not work in the two-dimensional drawing.

First one has to learn to see. This requires some practice, because the brain interprets a lot of things and this makes it harder to see what there actually is. For instance, when you see a face, you categorize it and parts of it a face with eyes, a nose and a mouth. In your mind, you have some simple idea of the basic, symbolic shape of the eye. You can try this by drawing an eye. You probably draw it as a line drawing, with a circle inside an oval, not as a photo-realistic drawing. You possibly draw it like it would be in a face directly looking at you. You might also know how to draw a symbolic eye directly from the side. The problem is that every eye is different and you should be able to draw what you see without your brain telling you what things should look like. You should see and draw what things, look like.

There are some exercises that you can try to make your brain ignore what things should look like. It is possible if you draw something that your brain does not know how to categorize, name or symbolize.

  • Draw the wrinkles on some part of your your hand. Do not look at your drawing. Just very slowly follow the lines in your hand and draw the same lines. This is an exercise to make you see the little details, the drawing itself probably is just a bunch of lines and does not need to be accurate.
  • Find a line drawing of some subject that does not have too much detail. Turn it upside down and draw it. Occlude parts of the original drawing so that you do not see the whole picture at any time. While you draw, compare the angles of the lines and the different shapes the lines make. When you are finished, turn both drawing upside down and see what you draw. You might be surprised about how well you draw.

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